About Me

There is one question I hate: "Where are you from?".  There is no easy answer to this for me.

Born in Michigan, my family moved to Texas when I was two.  I guess Texas is the closest thing to home that I have, and I often look back on the hot Texas summers, BBQ, and people with fondness.  But while I was there, I always felt like there was something bigger and better waiting for me.  It was 16 crazy, fun years spent in Texas before I left for something completely different - New Jersey.

Places like Enchanted Rock and Rudy's BBQ filled my childhood in TX

I spent four years in New Jersey going to Seton Hall University where I majored in Environmental Studies and minored in Journalism and Public Relations.  After my freshman year, my parents took their lives up north and moved to Maryland.  I was completely disassociated with Texas now, and I missed it even more than I thought I would.  There are things about each state that I love.  New Jersey with its beaches (even though I don't like beaches I can still admire them), being close to NYC, and even the crazy traffic.  Maryland has its own loves like crab (crab cakes are delicious), and Washington D.C. has its own perks too.
My graduation from Seton Hall University in NJ and at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

As more and more time passes, however, I feel my pull to Texas increase and decrease all at the same time.  Home is supposedly where the heart is, but my heart has not rested on one location.  I have yet to settle down and know where I am is home.

I have always loved the idea of travel.  My Saturdays were often spent watching Samantha Brown on the Travel Channel with my mom fantasizing about all the places we could visit.  When I decided that I wanted to continue my academics after my four years at Seton Hall, studying abroad hosted a grand appeal.  I could continue my academics while traveling and experiencing something completely new - maybe even finding my special home.

After thorough research, I decided to make Edinburgh Napier located in Scotland my new home.  At least for the year while I work towards getting me masters in Wildlife Biology and Conservation.  So, that is my not so easy answer to this question.

Follow me along on my crazy journey of studying abroad, finding my home, and reminding myself that "not all who wander are lost".

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