It has definitely been a long while since I've updated - like over a year. I'm so sorry! There's really no excuse, but I'll try to defend myself by saying that life got hectic so fast. I continued to make videos on my YouTube channel, but even then I didn't update as much as I should have.
I was able to spend 15 months (September 4, 2014 - February 1, 2016) in Scotland. I miss it every day. Scotland quickly became a home I had never really had before for many reasons I'll talk about in another update. In general, I have based my feeling of home based on where my family was. Locations may change, but family is always the factor which I have considered home. My opinions were challenged, though, when Scotland quickly felt like a place I wanted to stay in forever. I remember living in Scotland for only a few weeks and being in awe. It felt like I had lived there for forever. Scotland will always be my regional home, and I plan on going back one day when the time is right.
So, as stated in the title of this post, I am officially back in the United States. I tried finding a proper visa in the UK that would allow me to stay, but it was a lot more complicated than I had anticipated as an American. I was forced to go back to the United States due to my visa expiring. It's not like I don't want to be back in the U.S., so please try not to get offended by me saying this. I just knew that Scotland was where my heart lied and it was saddening when I could not stay. Now I am making lemonade out of lemons and applying for jobs while I am here and knowing that I will go back to Scotland sometime in the future when the time is right.
What I plan to do now with this blog is to take you back through time with my trips and a few tricks I learned along the way. Maybe this is the better option because I have perspective on everything and I can give a broader range of tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of your study abroad from the things I wish that I did and the things that I wish I knew before hand.
Below is a video I created not long ago about my 15 months abroad and all the things I did. Hopefully this whets your appetite to come back and check my blog which will be updated more regularly.
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